Saturday, May 1, 2010

Urban Compost Tumbler Benefits

Compost Tumblers

The urban compost tumbler is by far one of the best ways to make compost. More and more people are purchasing the compost tumbler in an effort to improve their soil and make their plants and vegetable grow quicker and larger. Let's take a look at the many benefits of this amazing little device.

The tumbler makes compost fast. It is only a matter of weeks and you will have very high quality compost that will improve your soil no end. This is by far the most important reason why you should use one. Added to this is the fact that it is extremely clean. There is simply no mess. All the decaying matter is safely enclosed in the bin making it safe to be around. Open compost bins can attract rats and other animals in to the garden. This is not so with a tumbler. All the contents are contained so there is no attraction to vermin.

The tumbler is also a pleasant piece of garden furniture. It does not need to be hidden away like a normal compost heap does. The designs available make them very pleasing to the eye and therefore you do not have to worry about them being placed in less than ideal spots simply because they look bad.

None of the reasons why the tumbler is so good beats the fact that they make compost so quickly. They are very easy to use and with a simple turn of a handle you have a great way of easily making quality compost at home. This really is the main benefit of the urban compost tumbler.